Awana at East Side

This will be East Side's fourth year participating in Awana! Our first three years were great so we will continue to do this program for our children and those in our community. Awana is a fun approach to teaching your child about the Bible and God in a way that is adapted to their age level. Our kickoff night will be on September 8th at 6:00 pm. We will be having a Family Game Night this year, so come out and join us for some fun. Kickoff night is a time where you get a chance to meet your child's teachers and see their room and also spend some time hanging out with our church members! This also gives us a chance to give you all the information you need to see how our program runs. Awana will meet Sunday nights and a calendar will be given to each child letting parents know when Awana will or will not meet (like for holidays) or when fun events will be. Our first official night of Awana will be on September 15th and we will begin at 5:30 pm. We are so very excited to begin our new Awana year, we hope to see you there!

WHEN: Sunday Nights


WHERE: CEC/in assigned classrooms

WHO: Ages 3 through 5th grade

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